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Whiting exactAlfred exactFrank exact1912 exact1978 in creator [X]
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Results:  2 Items   Page: 1
English (2)
Hopi (2)
Tewa (1)
Recordings (1)
Transcripts (1)
1Author:  Whiting, Alfred Frank, 1912-1978
 Anthropologist. Ethnobotanist. Collector 

 Title:  Hopi Tape Recordings Transcripts     
 Type:  Text items 
 Format:  Transcripts 
 Language:  English | Hopi 
 Dates:  1964-1969 
 Extent:  257 leaves 
 Abstract:  Transcripts of Hopi and Tewa Indian recordings, but primarily Hopi. There are eighteen Indian informants who provide information on names of plants, birds, reptiles, and other animals, including domesticated; costumes, including Kachina; migration legend; place-names; kinship terms; numerals; weaving; pottery; Hopi, Huichol and Tarahumara belts; medicine men; etc. See also Rec. 104 for recordings. Restricted research use 
 Source:  Hopi Tape Recordings Transcripts (497.3 W58) 
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 Subjects:  Cultural description and analysis, social organization and structure, ceremonial behavior, material culture | Folklore, mythology, religion | Linguistics and philology 
2Author:  Whiting, Alfred Frank, 1912-1978
 Anthropologist. Ethnobotanist. Collector 

 Title:  Hopi and Tewa Recordings     
 Type:  Sound items 
 Format:  Recordings 
 Language:  English | Hopi | Tewa 
 Dates:  1964-1969 
 Extent:  14 reels 
 Abstract:  These are Hopi and Tewa Indian recordings, but primarily Hopi. There are eighteen Indian informants who provide information on names of plants, birds, reptiles, and other animals, including domesticated; costumes, including Kachina; migration legend; place-names; kinship terms; numerals; weaving; pottery; Hopi, Huichol and Tarahumara belts; medicine men; etc. See also 497.3 W58 for a transcription of the recordings. Restricted research use 
 Source:  Hopi and Tewa Recordings (Rec. 104) 
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 Subjects:  Cultural description and analysis, social organization and structure, ceremonial behavior, material culture | Folklore, mythology, religion | Linguistics and philology